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Elpiniki Talentino
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My friends have been diligently adding to my ever ongoing card catalogue project ( but I’ve been completely derelict in posting their wonderful contributions! I unexpectedly received an envelope full of index cards from one of my dearest friends, Elpiniki, months and months ago after she and her fiance came to visit. She made these from photos taken on their flights to and from...

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Weekend Additions:
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I’ve been adding to the super sexy library card catalogue currently doubling as my sketchbook. It has recently been dubbed the “art-o-logue”. Recent additions include: I made these card catalogue cards but YOU can participate too! see: to learn more about my card catalogue...

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In La Push
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From the Quileute alphabet. I made this card catalogue card but YOU can participate too! see: to learn more about my card catalogue...

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Card Catalogue Installment III
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Where I live in the Pacific Northwest  there’s an intense brand of beauty that can be interpreted as a sort of sadness but really it’s the power of the place that inspires introspection and quiet.  And that is resplendently uplifting. I made these cards but YOU can participate too! see: to learn more about my card catalogue...

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Emily’s Additions!
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My friend  Emily Rose made these library reference cards and you can participate too! see: to learn more about the card catalogue...

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Rebecca & Payson’s Catalogue Cards!
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Rebecca & Payson are the first of my friends to add their own cards to the catalogue! All of you should learn from their examples. Real friends put pictures & etc. on 3×5 index cards & mail them to Astrid. That’s just what they do. My friends Rebecca & Payson made these cards but YOU can participate too! see: to learn more about the...

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Card Catalogue Installment II
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More and more getting filed away: Victorian Kidos & Amoebic Goo. With tens of thousands more of these to do before the Card Catalogue is full I think that by the end we may very well cover everything that can be done on a 3×5 inch surface. I’ve been doodling these amoebic little shapes when I’m stressed out lately. Doodle therapy could have far more potential than art therapy....

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Card Catalogue Installment
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Currently being filed away into the card catalogue:   I made these cards but YOU can participate too! see: to learn more about the card catalogue...

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Project: Card Catalogue
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The Card Catalogue project began when I couldn’t resist salvaging a vintage school card catalogue from the Cornell University Library & then began the task of filling it with art & writing made solely on the 3″ x 5″ surface of index cards. It’s become more than just an alternative to a sketchbook that I originally intended it as. This has evolved into an obsessive...

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