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Elpiniki Talentino

My friends have been diligently adding to my ever ongoing card catalogue project ( but I’ve been completely derelict in posting their wonderful contributions! I unexpectedly received an envelope full of index cards from one of my dearest friends, Elpiniki, months and months ago after she and her fiance came to visit. She made these from photos taken on their flights to and from Seattle. If a little bit of sky is all that separates me from my loved ones then I’ll just have grow wings and to learn to fly…especially to New York City.

Rachel 1

Rachel 2

Rachel 3

Rachel 4

Rachel 5

Rachel 6

Rachel 7

Rachel 8

Rachel 9

Rachel 10

Rachel 11

Rachel 12

Rachel 13

Rachel 14

Elpiniki Talentino made these cards but you can participate too! see: to learn more about my card catalogue project.

To see Elpiniki’s artwork follow this link: She’s all kinds of wonderful.